Terms Of Hire & Sale

1. All equipment hired out remains at all times the property of Premier Hire Ltd and must not be loaned or hired to any third party without consent of the hire company.

2. Where equipment is not returned to the hire company or where equipment is reported missing or stolen, such equipment will be treated as lost equipment and charged for at the current replacement value at the date reported.

3. Damaged equipment returned or equipment needing cleaning will be charged for at the appropriate cost. The hirer will be notified and equipment available for 72 hours from such advice.

4. Twenty-four hours’ notice must be given if equipment is to be removed from site.

5. Hire charged are calculated weekly, one day hire at 60% weekly rate, 2 days at 80% weekly rate, 3 days and over up to 1 week at weekly rate and 1/5 week thereafter. The owner reserves the right to increase such prices giving reasonable notice of such increases (21 days).

6. Terms strictly nett monthly account. In the event of payment being in arrears the hirer shall give all assistance to the owner to re-posses all the owner’s equipment.

7. Unless proved to be due to negligence on the part of Premier Hire Ltd or its servants, the hirer shall be solely responsible for loss or damage to the equipment and it is advisable cover is obtained.

8. All non-account customers must furnish two forms of I.D and an appropriate cash deposit to be agreed at the time of hire (refundable on return of equipment) plus cost of hire.

9. All prices are subject to V.A.T at current rates.

10. Equipment purchase on account is the property of Premier Hire Ltd until paid for by cash or cheque on normal monthly trading terms.

11. The taking and signing for the equipment for the hirer or its servants and agents from Premier Hire Ltd shall operate as an acceptance of the terms and conditions of the owner.